Ringwood Bowling Club

A friendly club on the fringe of the New Forest, close to Bournemouth

Contact details


Ringwood Bowling Club, Mount Pleasant Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1JN

Telephone: 07818 033832


You can contact club representatives directly:


President: Peter Smith - Telephone: 07711 734577


Vice-President: Barry Vaughan - Telephone: 07711 734577


General Secretary: Amanda SmithTelephone: 07903 145051  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Match Secretary: N/A


Treasurer: Geoff Robins - Telephone: 07754 010469


Men's Secretary: Allan Mason - Telephone 07763 012780


Ladies' Secretary: Debbie Senior - Telephone: 07818 033832


Club and Men's 1st Team Captain & wet weather contact for B&DBA League Matches: TBA - Telephone: TBA


Men's 1st Team Captain & wet weather contact for NFBA League Matches: TBA - Telephone: TBA


Club Vice Captain: Peter Smith - Telephone: 07711 734577


Men's 2nd & 3rd Teams Captain & wet weather contact for League Matches: Peter Smith - Telephone: 07711 734577


Ladies' Captain & wet weather contact for League Matches: Christine (Chris) Pentelow - Telephone: 07935 906987


Ladies' Vice Captain: Helen Blackiston - Telephone: 07864 374253


Competition Secretary: Doug Jones - Telephone07708 333298 



Or you can fill in this form and a club representative will contact you as soon as possible. Please fill in all required (starred) fields.


Contact us

If you want more information, fill in this form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
