Contact details
Ringwood Bowling Club, Mount Pleasant Lane, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1JN
Telephone: 07818 033832
You can contact club representatives directly:
President: Peter Smith - Telephone: 07711 734577
Vice-President: Barry Vaughan - Telephone: 07711 734577
General Secretary: Amanda Smith - Telephone: 07903 145051 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Match Secretary: N/A
Treasurer: Geoff Robins - Telephone: 07754 010469
Men's Secretary: Allan Mason - Telephone 07763 012780
Ladies' Secretary: Debbie Senior - Telephone: 07818 033832
Club and Men's 1st Team Captain & wet weather contact for B&DBA League Matches: TBA - Telephone: TBA
Men's 1st Team Captain & wet weather contact for NFBA League Matches: TBA - Telephone: TBA
Club Vice Captain: Peter Smith - Telephone: 07711 734577
Men's 2nd & 3rd Teams Captain & wet weather contact for League Matches: Peter Smith - Telephone: 07711 734577
Ladies' Captain & wet weather contact for League Matches: Christine (Chris) Pentelow - Telephone: 07935 906987
Ladies' Vice Captain: Helen Blackiston - Telephone: 07864 374253
Competition Secretary: Doug Jones - Telephone: 07708 333298
Or you can fill in this form and a club representative will contact you as soon as possible. Please fill in all required (starred) fields.